Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go The word I’ve chosen for my emphasis in 2015 is GO. Such a simple word, but for significance, I believe it will play as much significance as last year’s word did, Decision. 2014 brought forth some pretty big decisions. As a result, 2015 is shaping up to be a year about Go, as in going forward, going on, and going for. Continuing, progressing, proceed, or even to depart. Looking up the meaning of the word using The Free Dictionary (my dictionary of choice online) surprised me how much complexity there is in this two letter word. I think it is one of the most used words in our language, both in expressions and meanings. Go fits perfectly where I am and how I begin 2015. It is important that I continue to move or progress in the things I began in 2014. I face challenges of becoming overly analytic, of procrastinating from the unknown outcomes, of heavy doubts, and fears of making the wrong decisions. The answer or action is simply go. In Seth Godin’s new book, What To Do When It’s Your Turn, there is a quote highlighted early on. The cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing. It was the sentence in that book that helped me find the word for this year. Under everything that comes my way, I will remember the importance of the cost of doing nothing. My responses this year […]